


Swasthya Samvardhana Chikitsa

Swasthya Samvardhana Chikitsa


(Scheme for health promotion-rejuvenation)

You may not be as healthy as you thought to be. Disturbed? Need not. Just try to answer a simple question— Have you ever tried to understand your body and mind? If not, it is high time that you start concentrating on yourself. And Ahalia helps you to realize your status of health, both physical and mental. Ahalia also takes you through an interesting course of Ayurvedic way of living which enables you to reach a higher status of health.

The scheme includes :

1. Knowledge sharing for modifying the life style – for overcoming the stressful demands of modern life and to prevent the life style disorders.

2. Dinacharya (daily regimen) – Have a healthy mind in a healthy body Various procedures like nasyam(nasal instillation of medicine), karna pooranam (applying oil into the ears) etc. are performed to cleanse the body and the mind.

3. Diet regimen – Human body is the product of the food; the disease is also the product of the food , if is wrong.

Ahalia provides a planned diet to suit your constitution, digestive capacity mode of exercise etc.

Snehana and Swedana


(external application of oil and fomentation)

Vata, the strongest among Tridoshas, will not vitiate in that body which has been subjected to Snehana and Swedana

RejuvenationThe great Astavaidya tradition of Kerala has developed special procedures of applying Snehana and Swedana which include Abhyanga(oil massage), Kayaseka(pouring the oil on the body), Shirodhara(pouring the oil on the head), Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda (fomentation using boluses of rice cooked in milk and decoction of Cida cardifolia) etc.

The procedure for each person will be decided after examining the factors like strength, tolerance to heat and cold, climate etc. The Snehana and Swedana empowers you with great strength, tolerability, better state of digestion and metabolism enhanced function of sense organs and increased immunity.



(the five purificatory procedures)

Ahalia assures you of classical Panchakarma chikitsa under strict controlled regimen. Your eligibility to undergo any Panchakarma will be decided by the physician after a detailed examination.

This treatment will be given at three stages :

1. Poorvakarma (preparatory procedure) – This includes internal administration of Sneha( unctuous material like ghee) followed by fomentation. The total duration may extend between 5-7 days. .External application of Snehana, as mentioned above may be advocated in some conditions instead of internal administration.

2. Pradhana karma (main procedure) – The nature of the procedure will be fixed in advance. Vamana (emesis) and Virechana( purgation) are conducted in a single day; Vastis(medicated enemas) will be given in numbers of 8/ 15/30. Nasya (nasal instillation of medicine) is performed for minimum 7 days either individually or in combination with Snehana and Swedana treatments.

3. Paschat karma( post panchakarma procedure) – This consists of various procedures like Dhoomapana (medicated smoking ) etc. as well as a special diet regimen called Samsarjana karma. Ahalia emphasis upon the fact that there is no shortcut method to undergo Panchakarma.

Rasayana Chikitsa


(Rejuvenation therapy)

All the methods coming under the health promoting scheme indeed are meant for rejuvenating the body. Apart from these, Ayurveda has gifted the mankind with another concept called Rasayna Chikitsa wherein special medicines, either single or in combination will be administered to eligible persons who have undergone mandatory purification. This treatment enhances the quality of body tissues and Ojus, the vital capacity to resist the diseases. Also this enables the person to postpone the premature aging and to spend a comfortable life.

Ahalia aims at helping you to lead a disease free life. A concept for solving geriatric problems.

Total duration of health promotion scheme :

1. Without Panchakarma – 7/14/21 days

2. With Panchakarma – varies, min. 9 days ( any one procedure)