


Ilakizhi (Patrapotala Sweda)

Ilakizhi This is a type of Swedana Chikitsa (fomentation) wherein leaf poultice are used to give fomentation on whole body or any specific part.

Leaves of plants which work against vata dosha are collected, made into small pieces and processed with medicines like saindhava lavana methika, medicated oil etc. These are covered in cloth pieces in the form of boluses and are made hot frequently throughout the procedure.

The person is made to sit on the droni (special table for massage) and first applied medicated oil all over the body. Fomentation and simultaneous massage is given in all the seven positions (refer Abhyangam). Person is given hot water bath after the procedure.

Course of the treatment : 7days/14 days/21 days

Therapeutic Effects :

  • Neurological disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Myalgia
  • Sciatica
  • Lumbar Spondylitis
  • Cervical Spondylitis
  • Post traumatic dysfunctions etc.