KUHS Interzone arts fest (VAC,Ollur- November 2024)
KUHS central zone arts fest ( Govt Medical College, Palakkad- October 2024)
Interzone of KUHS @ VPSV Malappuram (December, 2023)
Central Zone Arts Festival of KUHS@ Ernakulam Medical College (October, 2023)
KUHS Interzone arts fest EKTHARA 2022
KUHS interzone arts fest EKTHARA 2022 was held on october 14,15,16 at Government Medical college Kottayam. Students from Ahalia ayurveda medical college participated actively and bagged first prize for Skit, Nadanpattu, Monoact,3rd prize for Thiruvathira.
The students participated in “Central Zone” Arts Festival conducted by KUHS at Kottayam :
The students participated in Riti Central Zone conducted at Ollur, Thrissur conducted by KUHS :
KUHS C Zone Football Tournament
KUHS C-zone Football Tournament 2022 was held on october 29 at Govt. Medical college, Thrissur. Students of Ahalia Ayurveda medical college participated.
KUHS C Zone Volley Ball Tournament
KUHS C-zone Vollyball Tournament 2022 was held on october 17 at Holy Grace Academy of Pharmacy, Mala. Students of Ahalia Ayurveda medical college participated.
The students participated in the inter Ayurveda College Badminton Tournament Excelsior 2016 conducted by KUHS and won Runner Up in Womens Doubles :
The Students participated in Zonal Tournament conducted by KUHS :
Ahalya R C, III Prof. BAMS
Water colouring- 2nd Prize
Script Writing(Mal)- 2nd Prize