Department of Roga Nidana contributes to the field of aetiopathological and clinico pathological studies in several diseases. This subject is meant for postulating principles of Ayurvedic Diagnosis at clinical as well as laboratory level. It is the chief subject that connects the physician with patient and then to medicine. This department is involved in various laboratory diagnostic investigations and pathological tests for patient’s care. A well equipped laboratory is attached with thie department for that particular purpose. Apart from this, the department mainly deals with the subject that helps the students to know the fundamentals of a disease in terms of aetiology of the disease, clinical features, pathogenesis and prognosis and the means to examine the diseased individuals. Department possess good number of models, charts, specimens and laboratory instruments.
- To give knowledge regarding basic concepts of roga nidana and basic concepts of modern pathology.
- To perform bedside clinical examination and for improving the skill of history taking by demonstrations and its practice on patients
- To understand various steps involved in performing laboratory investigations and its clinical importance
- To practice the tools of investigations like USG, X- ray, ECG, CT etc.
- To promote research practices in order to set protocols to diagnose the disease with the aid of fundamentals.