Affiliated to Dept of AYUSH & Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS)



Dept. of Kriya Shareera

Kriyashareera is the science which deals with the study of human body in its physiological aspects. The department studies the normal concepts relating to the body functions both in Ayurveda and modern context. The knowledge of human physiology is essential to understand various body mechanisms which will be helpful to be attentive of the pathological conditions in the diseased state which serves the foundation of medical science. The underlying goal is to explain the fundamental mechanisms that operate in a living organism and how they interact.

Dept. of Kriyashareera is well equipped with charts, specimen, models, books for teaching and learning purpose, along with well-equipped laboratory to teach all Ayurvedic and modern practicals. As a discipline, it bridges the science, medicine, and health, and constructs an outline for understanding how the human body adapts to stresses, physical activity, and disease.