1. The working hours of the library will be 9am to 6pm on all working days.
2. Personal belongings (Bag, Text Books, and Coat) should be kept on the rack provided at the entrance of the library. Loose sheets of Paper and pen are the permissible items to the library.
3. The staff and students should sign in the gate register as and when they enter and leave the library.
4. All members have to keep silence inside the library
5. The books available in the library is classified as follows:
a) Reference books
b) Subject books
c) General books
6. Reference books are limited copies and can be referred in the library only. The reference books and periodicals will not be issued to the students as well as faculties.
7. General Books and subject books will be issued to students and staff.
8. The user should show their ID cards before the issue of books and also submit their reader’s ticket
9. The students are permitted to borrow 3 books for a period of two week.
10. The faculties can keep 4 books at a time for a period of two weeks, issue and return of the books will be as per library procedures.
I1. The reader’s ticket and books shall not be transferred to another user.
12. If the due date falls on the holiday the book must be returned on the next working day, if the books are not returned within due date fine of Rs 10/- per day shall be levied.
13. Borrowers are responsible for the loss of their reader’s ticket, if it is loss users should pay the fine (25rs each).
14. Borrowers are responsible for the loss or damage of the books. They are strictly prohibited from marking or writing remarks, tearing the pages, pictures etc.
15. If any book is lost or damaged by the borrower they are responsible to replace the books with a new copy of the same edition/latest edition within the due date or pay the double the cost of the book.
16. Any type of malpractices in the library should be punishable
17. Library is under CCTV surveillance.